Timmins & Brampton

The Wishart Library Team does its best to provide remote access and support to our satellite campuses, ensuring that every student and faculty member are able to access all of our services. Since we have no physical presence at these campuses, we encourage our Timmins and Brampton users to reach out to the library directly for any of their needs.
Request a Book
We will mail the book to you! Any item in our collection can be mailed directly to your campus for your convenience. All you need to do is find the item in our catalogue and send the request to our Circulation Department. Depending on the mail service, you should receive the item in a week.
Research Help
Wishart Library offers Research Help and Reference Services in a variety of forms including: in-person, by appointment, email, and virtual chat. We are happy to provide all users with support and connect in a way that is most convenient to them! Please contact our Reference Department with any questions, concerns or queries you may have.
Workshops & Information Literacy
The Library is always willing to work with faculty to find new ways to provide library workshops and information literacy sessions. Contact our Reference Department about setting up a virtual session for your class.