Faculty and Graduate Research Services
In order to support research at Algoma University and the Research Data Management Institutional Strategy, the Wishart Library offers research services both locally and through our partners.
Our Partners
Scholars Portal The service end of the Ontario Council of University Libraries (OCUL)
Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN) A national consortia of Canadian research libraries and heritage institutions.
Digital Alliance of Canada. A non-profit organization funded by the Government of Canada to promote national Digital Research Infrastructure (DRI).
Developing a Research Data Management Plan
The Canadian Tri-Agencies require researchers to develop a data management plan (DMP), as outlined in their Research Data Management Policy. The Digital Alliance offers some useful tools and resources for developing a plan include:
- Learning resources Guides, tutorials and webinars on research data management
- DMP Assistant The Data Management Plan Assistant helps researchers create a custom research plan suitable for their current project.
Storing and Archiving your Research Data
The Ontario Library Research Cloud (OLRC) is a secure storage space for digital content. Through a collaboration of Ontario’s university libraries, the OLRC is a high capacity, geographically distributed storage and compute network using proven and scalable open source cloud technologies.
Borealis is the Canadian Dataverse Repository. A bilingual, multidisciplinary, secure, Canadian research data repository, supported by academic libraries and research institutions across Canada. Borealis specializes in datasets. More information.
Permafrost is a collection of tools and infrastructure resources that allow researchers to prepare and store digital files in the long term. Permafrost is intended for data such as: images, textual files, and other less structured forms of data. More information.
Publishing your Research
Institutional Repository (IR)
The Wishart library has developed a new IR using Dspace7, ideal for the publishing student theses, research reports and other scholarly materials created by our faculty and students.
Open Journal System (OJS)
OJS allows faculty and students to create their own academic journal. OJS is an open source software platform to manage the entire researcher-to-reader workflow, including submissions, peer review and production. AU is already hosting an undergraduate creative writing journal using OJS, The Algomian.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Through our partnership with CRKN, Algoma University is now a member of DataCite, a global community promoting research outputs, ensuring resources are openly available and connected. As a member of DataCite, Algoma University can now create its own DOIs.
Special Research Collections
Odesi is a Canadian social science data repository and online analysis tool. The service contains over 5,700 datasets curated by university libraries. More Information.
GeoPortal is a geospatial data infrastructure collaboration that provides access to over 5000 large scale geospatial datasets and over 3 million Ontario aerial images. The GeoPortal provides users with a sophisticated search, discovery, map visualization and analysis tools, to make data viewable and downloadable for Ontario researchers. More information.
The Data Liberation Initiative (DLI) is a partnership between post-secondary institutions and Statistics Canada with the goal of improving access to data resources.